A R C H I V E D...S U N D A Y...M O N T H L Y S

M Y.. B L U N D E R

A couple of years ago, I bought a foot massager to replace the one that went kaput. It doesn't have water jets as before which is okay with me. But, it isn't what I expected. It doesn't massage at all but only vibrates - just as its name suggests. I clearly did not think it through.
Rather than send it back, I stuck it in my closet - until I came across a podcast with two physicians suggesting the benefits of such a machine: improved circulation, lymphatic system, balance, and bone density. (Funny how I never gave those issues a second thought until now - as I face a new decade-turning birthday this month.) My own Family Practice physician later agreed with the two on t.v. regarding potential benefits.

My LiifePro has various speeds and comes with five resistance bands, a remote, and a manual showing various exercises to do while I shake, rattle, and roll. There are also classes on YouTube that make it easy
to follow along.
I purchased on Amazon.

S U M M E R.. B R E A D.. S A L A D.. ~.. P E A S A N T.. S T Y L E

Last month, I wrote that I lived in a Dark Sky Community. On May 10th, the photos of the Aurora Borealis below were taken in our neighborhood. I think our dark sky helped to capture this atmospheric event.
(1) loaf stale, dense, sourdough (like Acme)
(2) - (4) tasty tomatoes
(2) celery ribs
(1) red onion
(1) cucumber
Fresh basil, to taste
Extra virgin olive oil
S/P to taste
Red wine vinegar for onions

P r e p :
1. Finely slice the onion, salt it, and place in a dish with vinegar, leaving it to marinate.
2. Soak stale bread in water (or broth) until soft (about 10 minutes), squeeze out liquid, tear into pieces or cube with a knife.
3. Cut vegetables into small cubes.
4. Tear or chiffonade basil.
5. Drain vinegar from onion.
6. Add all to bowl, season with oil, salt, and pepper.
7. Let the panzanella rest for a few hours before serving.
8. Adjust flavors - for me, it means adding more red wine vinegar or lemon.
V a r i a t i o n s :
I omit the celery because I don't like it - but do add:
(1) can drained tuna
(3) - (4) T drained capers
(2) - (3) drained artichoke bottoms or hearts (marinated or not)
A scatter of sliced Kalamata olives
A.. V a r i a t i o n.. o n. t h e.. V a r i a t i o n s
If I have anchovies on hand, I toss them in, too.
A.. G l u t e n - F r e e.. V e r s i o n :
Even though the "pan" in "panzanella" translates to "bread" in Italian, you can eliminate it. In fact, when I do, I adjust it a bit and call it my "unique tuna salad." More specifically, my tuna salad recipe:
(1) can drained tuna (I get the Safe Catch brand)
(2) - (3) garlic, chopped
(1/2) C or more, chopped red or green onion
(1/2) C or more, chopped Kalamata or green olives
(1/4) C or more capers
(1/2) C chopped Italian parsley
I omit the basit and artichokes but do add anchovies at times.
Mix it all up and add a scarce dollop of mayo. Add red wine vinegar to taste.
Adjust flavors.
My made-up recipe strays from other tuna salads that might include apples, raisins and celery. So, it's a
matter of whether or not you're in a savory or sweet mood.

C O N T I N U I N G.. P A R T.. 1..- ..E Y G P T

Because of this belief, and their ritual of sending their kings to the hereafter completely equipped as in life, furniture was built to last an eternity. They used mortise and tenon, double-bracket and diagonally braced construction (they knew that a diagonal brace yielded the strongest support). And, on high-profile pieces, they gilded with gold.
Paints were formulated from natural minerals and brushes were made from fibrous wood. Walls were covered with mud and lime plasters, painted and then protected by a thin layer of a varnish-type substance. Ceramic, glazed with these same minerals, was used to make beads and jewelry. A vivid blue glaze made from calcium copper silicate was very popular.
In the last Sunday Monthly, I began a series on the history of design and architecture - just highlighting the highlights. I ended without mentioning the obvious: Pyramids!
The Great Pyramid is the oldest and largest of the three at Giza. Built with about 2.5-million limestone and granite bricks, it is also the oldest of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
Even during periods of foreign rule, Egyptian architecture clung to its native characteristics. Columns were covered with hieroglyphic and pictorial carvings in brilliant blue, red, and gold. Ornamental motifs such as the ankh, cobra, falcon, scarab, the sacred beetle, and the solar disk were symbolic and represented a strong belief in the afterlife.

Metals and semiprecious stone were also used as decoration and embellishment. While gold was plentiful, silver was rare. Turquoise, carnelian, lapis lazuli, alabaster, and ivory were widely incorporated in jewelry, headdress, and furniture.
Egyptian design was balanced, symmetrical, serene, meaningful and graceful. Its influence can be seen in many structures around the world today including the obelisk at our own Washington Monument and the pyramid at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Next Issue - Greece!

A.. F I N A L.. - ..S P E C I A L.. -.. T H O U G H T

I read a quote the other day that made me pause. It's something I tend to follow and have always enjoyed the reaction - especially when directed at strangers (usually women) as I think that's when it has a special impact. The last time I did it was in a grocery store. What's "it"? Here's the quote:
...Don't admire quietly...
I'm an introvert, so admiring vocally to a stranger does not come easily. However, since I know I'll be saying something complimentary, I'm willing to step outside my comfort zone. "That color looks beautiful on you." "Love your hairstyle." You never know how such an unexpected gesture can boost a person's day. It might not affect her at all but on the other hand, it could be just the words she needs to hear at that moment.

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